Saturday, February 24, 2007

Liveblogging the TW Fest


I'm going to New Orleans at the end of March for the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival, and I've decided to liveblog the event for those who want to be there but can't attend.

The Festival is always a blast--besides the panels, interviews, booksignings, and such, it wouldn't be New Orleans without lots of parties (both planned and impromptu), food, and liquor (they sell mint juleps in the courtyard outside the main venue). Somebody is guaranteed to misbehave.

It's a great list of participants this year, including Pulitzer Prize winners Richard Ford and Yusef Komunyakaa; local notables like Douglas Brinkley, Chris Wiltz, and Andrei Codrescu; and big names including Calvin Trillin, Sharyn McCrumb, and John Waters. And I'm really looking forward to meeting Haven Kimmel, whose A Girl Named Zippy is one of my favorite modern memoirs ever.

Will liveblogging work? Does New Orleans have a reliable wireless Internet connection anywhere in the French Quarter? Will anyone care? Who knows. It'll be fun.

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